ART THERAPY: Love Gifts: Connect to your heart creating space & art – Course: let go of loss.
Sharing joy and laughter is a human expression of truly being connected. The power you feel within is like an engine rewarding who you are and that other person you share this with.
Do you know, you can grant this unique present to yourself as well?
On Mondays in Thalwil, I organize a 4-part course for the 2nd time. This experience will stay with you for a long time!
Together we hold and create space for ourselves. We start to connect with an experience that truly formed us and that we somehow honor even though not at first sight.
We start by connecting with something that hurt a lot the first time we were caught in this unwanted new reality. You are not alone. I guide you through this. We start with a small meditation. I guide you through this. We focus on the rewarding part of grief.
Important to say is we connect to the power that lies in those life-changing experiences. We have all rolled in that mud before. We are reaching for the strings ensuring we are catching dry land every time. In fact, you will experience you always will. These strings empower who we are and honors the magic and energy life gave us before. That power is an abundant source! You will feel it and it allows you to go and create with it. I guide you to create at least 3 acrylic paintings, just for you.
To reserve your space and allow me to lovingly hold you in this process, click here.
Please send me a private message or email me at when you would have questions. When you are aware you need this, be bold and register straight away.
I am looking forward to people who bend, sometimes truly devastating, experiences to steel and power to be the empowered version you are.
Are you ready to step forward into the new year feeling empowered?
Do you miss someone very much? Have you been dealing with loss? Was it your job? Your beloved pet? A friendship? Your treasured marriage? Your beloved partner? Or your unconditional beloved child? You want deeply to connect with the power that was once so strong in you? This course is for you! Together we grant ourselves this time and space! Do something unique for your soul!
Allow me to help you starting on Jan 11thth and then continuing for three further sessions on Jan 18th, Jan 25th, and Feb 1st at the location ‘Our Happy Place’, Gotthardstrasse 34, 8800 Thalwil.
Each class will be from 9:30-12:00 with public parking available near the Station or The Coop.
COVID restrictions are mandatory and social distancing will be in place for your safety. Regarding the BAG we are allowed to gather in small groups for art, limited to 5 persons. With me as your guide, there will be only allowed 4 participants this time. It will be a very intimate experience this class!
The costs for this course are 320 CHF per person with all materials included. Just bring yourself and an apron along on the day.
To reserve your space and allow me to lovingly hold you in this process, click here.
If you would like to know more about me, allow me to introduce myself here, and if you have any questions, please reach out and I would love to learn more about you and your journey.
Course dates: 11/01/21, 18/01/21, 25/01/21, 1/02/21
Times: 9:30-12:00
Place: Our Happy Place, Gotthardstrasse 34, 8800 Thalwil.
Parking: Public at the Station or The Coop
What to bring: Just yourself and an apron
Cost: 320 CHF per person