
CHF 2,300

September 27, 2021
Dimensions60 × 43 cm

Acrylic painting on Claessens Canvas Painting cloth.

Size 43 x 60cm

September 2021

This is so exciting I need to share this!

September 27, 2021

Are your circumstances an excuse to push against the current? Or do you focus on what you do want _no matter what? Do you know what you want? Ask yourself: what do you really, really, really want and write it on a piece of paper. Revisit it and tweak it.

Decide to choose what makes your heart and soul sing! The unfolding of the path only starts after you take those first baby steps. If the plan is not working, then adapt your plan. Course correct yourself towards your targeted outcome.

Looking back from your end goal in mind to where you are now, growth will be measured only after repeating a process of setting short-term milestones. Adjusting the goal is not an option, since you understand growth comes only with fears, worries, and doubts hitting the fan. Undoubtedly. Growth originates from operating outside your comfort zone. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Reading these words will remember what you already knew inside of you. It affirmed with my core:


“I am so happy and grateful now that I burned my bridges and trust upon my abilities to be who I am.

To experience the creation of the life I always wanted.

I am holding faith based upon a burning desire because I tuned into my intuition and therefore trust myself in this process.”

Sige Nagels


So, how do you know you’re actually listening to your intuition? It feels like coming home and well-being.

Yes, it soothes your longing and answers a deeply desired craving in the form of self-care at a soul level.

Tune in and with practice, you come to flow.

Swirl your own specifics of a good life! It matters, since you matter.

You’re good. Trust and support yourself, as you were your own best friend.

Regardless of what other people tell or what your own critical ego throws at you. This is mostly a projection of limiting beliefs as if your trajectory were theirs. The ego or analytical mind fears your own heart connection and what you feel passionate about.

Your most valuable and unique experiences are a collection of what matters the most to your heart.

Feelings of confidence and security join you after reaching another milestone and/or another opportunity. All of these are reinforcements of your alignment to your vision and purpose.

Don’t you just love that? Knowing that you are on track, you will reach your goal sooner or later eventually and this zest for life makes you feel so alive?!

This is exactly what I feel when I see the outlined edges in this painting. Sharp. Focused.

Unapologetically, yet with a softer and gentle color combination, balancing the clearly outlined forms.

I feel balance in this painting because of the clarity. I feel harmony and peace of mind. This expression feels like tangible knowing because you thought it through, felt it in your gut, and trust the process, baby steps included. All is good.

Do you know why this feels so good? Because when you felt it in your gut that one time, you very clearly understood that the truth resonated with the essence inside of you. 

Is there a better way to guide a decision and define your own clarity?

Do you feel it?! I feel it!


Madrid made me realize how invaluable we all are, therefore the title of this painting is chosen: “Clarity”.

That time I was visiting Madrid in August 2021.

Acrylic painting on traditional manufactured Claessens Painting canvas, Waregem, Belgium.