Narchitektur Bahnhofbrücke Zürich (Nr 4/10 NAZH)

CHF 4,942

Contact Sige to purchase this artwork.

September 30, 2020
Dimensions28 × 48 cm


Sige Nagels

“Narchitektur – Bahnhofbrücke”, nr NAZH 4/10

  • 60cm x 60 cm metal plate + 20cm metal stick, 200cm birch trunk, diameter 10cm
  • architectural design 28x 48cm, 90mm frame 65 x 41cm
  • hinge, cable, moss, metal wire, balsa wood
  • acrylic and mixed media on canvas over Kapa fix plate
  • 30 September 2020
  • 4942 CHF comes as one total piece of the installation
  • transport in Switzerland included
  • The installation can be purchased in total as well. Contact me at +41 78 944 77 30.

“Narchitektur” presented by Visual Artist Sige Nagels, for the exhibition ‘Dear 2050: Humans respond to climate change’, organized by Climanosco, Oct. 24 – Nov. 6, St Annagasse 11, Zürich, 2020

Join Sige on a walk through Zürich where she takes you into the near future, where her architect’s and artist’s design answers and addresses climate change.

Just like nature carries Zürich, this installation carries 3d compositions of architecture & nature of nine locations in the heart of the city. Combined with painting & collage, this experience opens doors in your mind, making you hold on to these imaginations and visualizations of how we can evolve our cities into sustainable versions for our children and for nature.

Walking the streets of Zürich afterward will make you see this new reality of ‘’Narchitektur’’ for yourself. You’ll want to share stories of your favorite look-throughs with your beloved ones! It will make your dream almost real, you can touch it with your bare hands, and act upon it more.

The art installation was exhibited afterward on the rooftop of Hotel Sedartis, presenting my hometown Thalwil with this vision on the 21st of November, 2020.

Since then already several exhibitions were set up till now.

This is so exciting I need to share this!

September 30, 2020

English below

Bahnhofbrücke, Zürich: Schaffung einer Oase der Ruhe über der Brücke über die Limmat. Erhöhung dieses Verkehrsdurchgangs durch die Schaffung von Ebenen, schwimmenden Flössen und Gärten als Unter- und Überführung. Ziel ist es, die Qualität dieses herrlichen Fleckchens in der Stadt massiv zu erhöhen, Schutz und Harmonie zu schaffen. 

Ich lade Sie ein, über Flösse auf der Limmat zu gehen und Ihren Freunden auf dem Weg vom Hauptbahnhof zu Ihnen zu winken. Die vielen Ebenen funktionieren wie Inseln, zwei grüne Lungen, eine erhebende Interaktion auf menschlicher Ebene. 

Ich sehe eine Grossmutter, die ihrem Enkelkind erklärt, dass es hier einst ein grosses Lebensmittelgeschäft gab, das umziehen musste, um dieser herrlichen Oase einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Alpen zu ermöglichen. 

Ja, die Mitarbeiter dieses Lebensmittelladens Bahnhofbrücke sprechen immer noch davon, wie besonders ihr Teambuilding, auf der oberen neu gestalteten Narchitektur Terrasse, letzte Woche war, da sie wussten, dass dieser Ort ihnen schon viele Jahre zuvor gute Dienste geleistet hat.


Station bridge, Zürich: Creating an oasis of tranquillity over the bridge crossing the Limmat. Elevating this passage of traffic by creating levels, floating rafts and gardens as an under- & overpass. The aim is to massively increase the quality of this magnificent spot in the city, creating shelter and harmony. 

I invite you to walk over floats on the Limmat, waving to your friends on their way to you, coming from the main station. The many levels are functioning as islands, two green lungs, uplifting interaction on a human level. 

I see a grandmother explaining to her grandchild there once was a tall grocery here that had to move to provide this splendid oasis with breathtaking views of the Alps. Yes, the workers of that grocery Bahnhofbrücke are still talking about how special their team building on the upper terrace has been last week, knowing this place has served them well years and years before.